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Bungalows Designs

We love to design bungalows. Our philosophy is ‘Think Out Of The Box’. We use almost exclusively cost effective local materials. Our design responds well to the environment and are very energy efficient.

A bungalow is a type of modern architecture house. Its definition varies around the world, but it is archetypally a single-story dwelling that is habitually detached, with a slanted roof, and often modest in size. In many parts of the world bungalows also feature verandas and loft rooms. It’s compact, stair-free form and makes it particularly suitable for retirement homes and for people with impaired mobility. Our contemporary designs are playing with the traditional bungalow form by introducing materials such as concrete, wood, stone and glass.

Our bungalow modern house blueprints merge organic beauty with comfortable living spaces. We provide you at Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia with perfect designs, and blueprints for your small lots that are hard to build on. Our concepts of a bungalow design are evolved and adapted to the style for your own dream homes with natural or exotic styles incorporated. From the initial planning of the layout to connecting to the garden, we share our design secrets to creating a wonderful single-story home. We do site planning that includes site plan, development plan, building plan, council submission of plan to the council, granting planning permission, setting a town planner, and site studies.

Single-story living can offer several benefits such as accessibility, future proofing and the opportunity to connect to the garden being among them. However, designing a new single-story house or renovating an existing bungalow presents an opportunity to create a unique home, tailored around your needs.

The single-story layout without any stairs to negotiate, the massive potential for garden access from bedrooms, the intrinsic opportunities to have vaulted ceilings and roof lights throughout the main living areas, creating spacious and glamorous light-filled interiors.

Our examples of Khidmat House and Double Loft House are your perfect ideals of a bungalow home. Our plans are designed with precision and accuracy, surveying the design forms through extensive planning and setting the ambience to experience a good living.

To find the best bungalow house plan for your family, please email, live chat, or call us and we'll be happy to help!

All the architectural drawings are available for instant download as PDFs, thus saving time, effort and costs

tiny house             small house                                       Double Loft House 1                                                                                   Double Loft House 2


small house design            tiny house design                                     Double Loft House 3                                                                                     Double Loft House 4

bangalows design 

Our Custom Home Building Process

10 Steps to your brand new custom home from Chin Architect!

1. Home Tour

Find out all the features and benefits of building a Schumacher custom home.Experience the Wall of Quality at one of our Design Centers.

2. Select and Customize Your Home Plan

Here’s when you can explore all your options, and choose the design that’s right for you from hundreds of home plans. We are the first builder in the country to offer Real Time Design™ where you can make all of the changes you want, using Smart Board technology. You will actually see them draw your plans and you can provide instant feedback.

3. Determine The Cost of Your Home

Our state-of-the-art pricing program leads the industry in pricing your new home. For your No-Obligation price quote, we will go through the presentation of more than 200 standard and optional features, and you will receive a copy of the quote showing all pricing, descriptions and images of your selections. All items will be explained in detail. With Chin Architect, there are no hidden costs, and no unwelcome surprises!

4. Complete The Paperwork

You will receive your New Home Owner manual. It’s so thorough, it answers questions you haven't even thought of yet!

5. Color Selections

Review our Selections area to confirm the choices and colors made at your price quote, and to see all the countless other customized features from which you can choose.

6. Home Site Inspection

We will schedule a home site inspection where your personal builder will come to your home site to determine lot characteristics and home placement.

7. Pre-Construction Meeting

This is the final meeting before we begin building your brand new Schumacher home. At this meeting you will meet your construction team and we will review all details related to your new home.

8. Construction

We believe the key to any strong relationship is communication. Lots of it. So, you can expect to hear from your personal builder on a regular basis throughout the construction process. And, you know who to talk to when you have questions. You will even have his cell phone number. Your personal builder will accompany you on a final inspection to ensure that every detail of your new home lives up to the same high standards of quality and craftsmanship that Chin Architect is committed to.Operating and maintenance procedures for all systems will be reviewed.

9. Move-In

Here it is. The day when you close on your home and officially make it your sis definitely a day worth celebrating. Our commitment to you is just beginning with the start of our ten-year transferable insured structural warranty, supported by our full time warranty department. Now it's time to place the furniture, hang the pictures and say to yourself quietly, "It's nice to be home."

General contractor

A general contractor is responsible for the day-to-day oversight of the construction site, and management of vendors and trades. In addition, keep communication between the general contractor and the involved parties open and clear throughout the course of project.

Before starting a job, the general contractor must first visit and then assess the site. As a result of this, a price also called an ‘’estimate’’. The general contractor considers the cost of materials, equipment as well as the cost of labor to provide the owner with an approximate price for the project.

In these contract documents, the contract agreement includes budget, the general and special conditions and the plans and specification of the project that are prepared by a design professional such as an architect.


A general contractor is responsible for providing all of the material, labor, equipment, (engineering vehicles and tools) and services necessary for the construction of the project. In order for the general contractor to get these tasks done, is by hiring more specialized subcontractors to perform certain portions or even all of the construction work.

Depending on the size of a project, the following responsibilities may include:
   • Filing for building permits,
   • Securing the property,
   • Providing temporary utilities on site
   • Managing personnel on site
   • Providing site surveying and engineering
   • Disposing/Recycling of construction waste
   •Monitoring schedules and cash flows
   • Maintaining accurate records as construction progress


In the United Kingdom and certain former British Commonwealth countries the term 'general contractor' was gradually superseded by 'main contractor' during the early twentieth century. This followed the practice of major professional, trade and consumer organizations issuing standard forms of contract for undertaking the variety of construction works spanning the whole spectrum of the industry. It was and is usual for the term main contractor to be used and defined in all these contract documents, and as a result the term general contractor became an anachronism.

General contractors that conduct work for government agencies are typically referred to as prime contractors.

Requirements for Licensing

There are no set educational requirements to become a general contractor, although most employers do prefer that you have a bachelor's degree. Some general contractors obtain bachelor's degrees in construction science, building science, surveying, construction safety etc.

General contractors usually start out as regular construction workers. While gaining work experience, they learn about different aspects of construction, including masonry, carpentry, framing and plumbing. Aspiring general contractors network with subcontractors and may learn the management skills they need to run their own company.

Depending on the state, the requirements will vary from passing a written exam on topics such as contracting and construction law or require a bachelor's degree for licensing. Also, experience in the construction industry as well as references from customers, business partners or former employers are demanded. Some states go as far as requiring candidates to prove financing to own their own general contracting firm.

General contractors often run their own business. They hire subcontractors to complete specialized construction work and may manage a team of plumbers, electricians, builders, carpenters and other specialists. General contractors build their business by networking with potential clients, buying basic construction tools and ensuring that their subcontractors complete high-quality work. General contractors don't usually complete much construction work themselves, but they should remain familiar with construction techniques so they can manage workers effectively.

Because general contractors are usually at the top of the employment line the only benefits are the ones that they buy themselves. However, if the general contractor works under a company, getting heath insurance is a plus.Because the jobs vary in complexity, they get paid by the job. Also, some materials cost more than others. For example, tiling a bathroom will cost more than putting siding on a house.


One of the biggest advantages is being your own boss, as a contractor you are not required to accept work from a client. You have the freedom to pick and choose your contracts which can result in having a great work variation. Contractors usually take projects that last 3, 6, or 12 months, in duration, to gain a wealth of experience.


If you own your own business which is common in general contracting, then you must supply yourself and your employees with some health benefits. In addition, taking any paid vacation because you get paid at the end of a job which leads to another problem which is not getting paid. Luckily, if the owner doesn’t want to pay you, then filing a contractor’s ‘’lien’’ can help secure payment.

As a service

Most contractors are required to be licensed in every state and may be required to take an oral and written exam. License requirements and coverage vary by state, and may cover those who contract, bid, negotiate a price or offer to construct, supervise, oversee, direct, alter, repair, install, improve, move, demolish, furnishing labour, etc. Various types of contractor include building (residential and commercial), electrical, plumbing, mechanical, highway, and environmental remediation.

As an owner

Occasionally the entity commissioning the construction of the building chooses to act as the general contractor. In such cases, they work directly with the subcontractors and take care of the administration and organization of the various subcontractors.

Under these conditions the owner takes on all liability for proper sequencing of the work, and dealing with the realities of construction.

Contractors will acknowledge this with their cooperation. Owners seldom have this advantage, and most subcontractors will recognize the risk of working with a one time client with higher bids.

As an alternative, the owner builder approach to building its own residence can have risks and benefits. As a novice in the business, the owner builder is vulnerable to a number of common mistakes such as overbuilding the neighborhood, exposure to liabilities, lack of subcontractor management skills, and others. Subcontractor loyalty and discounted prices to general contractor are not a rule at all. As the economy worsens, and many builders struggle to find work, the owner builder can pick the best talent at the price that is only limited to his or her negotiating skills.

As a business owner

Main article: Independent contractor

For legal reasons it can be easier to hire and also release a contractor compared to an employee that has Permanent employment. Large numbers of business owners choose to hire contractors because of uncertainty within their business or have constraints such as maternity, illness or other legal factors which entail that hiring a permanent employee is not a feasible option.

General contractor example

An owner or real estate developer would develop a program of their needs and select a site (often with an architect). The Architect assembles a design team of consulting engineers and other experts to design the building and specify the building systems to meet those needs. Today contractors frequently participate in the design team effort by providing pre-design services where they will help in providing more accurate estimation of budget and scheduling during design to improve the over-all economy of the project. Otherwise the general contractor is hired just to build the building(s) at the close of the design phase. The owner, architect, and general contractor work closely together to meet deadlines and budget. The general contractor then works with subcontractors to ensure quality standards in addition to timeline and budget. Often there will be disagreements between the contractor and the architect over style vs. function. These arguments may lead to lawsuits which can potentially prolong or even stop a project.

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